From 20th-24th October 2024, the AURORA project partners will take part in the 17th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-17), in Calgary Canada.

We are excited to announce two significant presentations at the upcoming conference, focusing on cutting-edge research into the CESAR1 solvent, a key compound in carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies.

Presentation - CESAR1 solvent degradation in pilot and laboratory scale

The non-proprietary CESAR1 amine blend has been widely studied for use as a solvent for post-combustion CO2capture. Despite of its relative popularity in the solvent market, there are still many knowledge gaps connected to the stability of CESAR1.

The mixture of 2-amino-2-methyl propanol (AMP, CAS 124-68-5) and piperazine (PZ, CAS
110-85-0) is known to be much more stable than ethanolamine (MEA, CAS 141-43-5), both under oxidising
conditions, thermal stress, and at the cyclic conditions in the CO2 capture plant.

Despite of solvent degradation being low compared to other solvents, degradation phenomena need to be fully understood before a solvent can be safely implemented for large or full-scale CO2 capture from industrial sources, to fully comprehend potential environmental and operational impacts, and ensure safety for operators and neighbours.

In this work, our project partners, SINTEF, NTNU and TCM, aim to fully elucidate the degradation (oxidative and thermal) patterns of CESAR1 at industry relevant conditions.

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Session: 3A – Absorption: Environment and Operation
Date/Time: Monday, October 21, 2024 | 4:30-4:50 PM
Authors: Vanja Buvik, Andreas Grimstvedt, Kai Vernstad, Hanna K. Knuutila, Muhammad Zeeshan, Sundus Akhter, Matthew Campbell

This insightful presentation will explore the degradation mechanisms of the CESAR1 solvent when used in both pilot and laboratory-scale settings. The authors will delve into the chemical processes that impact the solvent’s efficiency and long-term stability during carbon dioxide absorption, providing valuable insights for optimizing industrial CCS operations. Attendees will learn about experimental results, challenges encountered, and strategies to mitigate solvent degradation, making this a must-attend session for those involved in CCS process optimization.

Presentation - Viscosity and Density data for the CESAR1 solvent

Global warming by anthropogenic CO2 emissions is a major issue and technologies to slow down this process need to be commercialized. Amine-based absorption is the most mature technology for post-combustion CO2 capture.

The CESAR1 solvent has been widely studied and piloted, however, a comprehensive literature review of the available data for this solvent was performed and outlined that experimental gaps exist.

Viscosity and density data for CO2-loaded and CO2-unloaded solutions are missing in the open literature even though necessary in the design of a gas-liquid contactor.

In this work, our project partner, NTNU, wants to fill these experimental gaps by measuring the physical properties of CESAR1 solvent as a function of temperature and CO2 concentration. Furthermore, an uncertainty analysis and correlations for these properties will be developed and made available for use when modelling absorption kinetics and vapor-liquid equilibrium.

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Session: Poster Display
Dates/Times: Tuesday, October 22 and Wednesday, October 23, 2024 | 2:00-4:00 PM
Authors: Diego Morlando, Ardi Hartono, Hanna K. Knuutila

In addition to the session on solvent degradation, there will also be an engaging poster presentation on the physical properties of the CESAR1 solvent, specifically its viscosity and density. These properties are crucial for understanding the fluid dynamics and performance of CESAR1 in real-world applications. Diego Morlando and his co-authors will present comprehensive data that can support future research and application of the solvent in carbon capture technologies.

Presentation - Storage potential evaluation of eastern Mediterranean area as final step of the full chain assessment

The last step of the CCUS full chain is represented by geological storage, when the CO2 is injected, via injection wells, into the
deep sub-surface at a carefully selected site (such as a saline aquifer or a depleted oil/gas field).

This work led by our project partner Sapienza Univerity of Rome, describes the methodology and the results adopted by the AURORA project to select suitable storage sites for the CO2 source plants of the project, located in the Mediterranean area.

The selection will be based on a comprehensive set of criteria that has been extensively described in numerous publications, tested in various projects, and adopted by the CO2 storage atlas of several European countries (as Norway and UK). Results has been compared to the previous calculation and evaluation performed for the same areas.

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We invite all attendees interested in the advancement of carbon capture technologies to join these presentations, engage with the experts, and gain deeper insights into the practical applications of CESAR1 solvent in both pilot and laboratory settings.

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay informed on the latest developments in solvent-based CCS at the forefront of environmental engineering!

Zoom on the event…

The Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-17) conference series was formed in 1997 following the merger of the earlier series of ICCDR and the Greenhouse Gas: Mitigation options conference. The next in the series, GHGT-17 will take place in Calgary, Canada hosted by Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) Starting Sunday 20th for the Welcome Reception and early registration, then Monday 21st to Thursday 24 October 2024 for the technical conference program.