Samarbeid om CCUS-teknologi
Networking to create collaborations in CCUS
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Upcoming Collaborations and Innovations
Upcoming Events
Bli med på våre kommende arrangementer for å utforske de nyeste fremskrittene innen karbonfangstteknologi og fremme samarbeid.
Don’t miss the 8th Post-Combustion Capture Conference | September 16th-18th 2025 in Marseille (France)
The AURORA consortium is pleased to announce its participation in the 8th Post-Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC-8), set to take place from September 16 to 18, 2025, in Marseille, France. Organized by the IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEAGHG), PCCC-8 is a key international forum dedicated to the latest advancements in…
Join us at the 13th Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS-13) | June 16th-19th 2025 in Trondheim (Norway)
We are thrilled to announce that the AURORA project, coordinated by SINTEF, will actively participate in the upcoming 13th Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS-13), scheduled from June 16 to 19, 2025, in Trondheim, Norway. Check Out the AgendaRegistration AURORA\'s ContributionAURORA\'s consortium has submitted five abstracts, each highlighting significant advancements in carbon…
Getting ready for our 3rd online Stakeholder Forum (StF)!
AURORA is preparing its third Stakeholder Forum (StF) to be held online on February, the 13th February 2025 (14-16 CET). Our StF serves to guide AURORA\'s developments and advise on next steps to drive market adoption of our capture technology.On the agenda: Agenda is coming soon. What would be your…
Øyeblikksbilder av samarbeid og innovasjon
Høydepunkter fra tidligere AURORA-arrangementer
Gjennom hele prosjektet deltar partnerne våre jevnlig i arrangementer for å dele resultatene sine og skape potensielle synergier.
Don’t miss the 8th Post-Combustion Capture Conference | September 16th-18th 2025 in Marseille (France)
The AURORA consortium is pleased to announce its participation in the 8th Post-Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC-8), set to take place from September 16 to 18, 2025, in Marseille, France. Organized by the IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEAGHG), PCCC-8 is a key international forum dedicated to the latest advancements in…
Join us at the 13th Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS-13) | June 16th-19th 2025 in Trondheim (Norway)
We are thrilled to announce that the AURORA project, coordinated by SINTEF, will actively participate in the upcoming 13th Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS-13), scheduled from June 16 to 19, 2025, in Trondheim, Norway. Check Out the AgendaRegistration AURORA\'s ContributionAURORA\'s consortium has submitted five abstracts, each highlighting significant advancements in carbon…
Getting ready for our 3rd online Stakeholder Forum (StF)!
AURORA is preparing its third Stakeholder Forum (StF) to be held online on February, the 13th February 2025 (14-16 CET). Our StF serves to guide AURORA\'s developments and advise on next steps to drive market adoption of our capture technology.On the agenda: Agenda is coming soon. What would be your…
AURORA 3rd General Assembly online
The AURORA project partners recently had their third General Assembly online, to assess progress and outline plans for the next phases of the project. To kick off 2025 on a strong foundation, the AURORA consortium gathered online to review the progress of Work Packages and outline their plans for the next…
Throwback on the GHGT-17 – Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies conference in Calgary, Canada
From October 20th to 24th, 2024, the AURORA project partners participated in the 17th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-17) in Calgary, Canada, where over 1,500 peers gathered to discuss the latest advancements in greenhouse gas control.Three partners from the AURORA project presented at the conference, and their…
Join us at the European Cement Decarbonisation Summit 2024 | Oct. 30th – 31st in Hamburg (Germany)
We are excited to announce that the AURORA project, coordinated by SINTEF, will be prominently featured at the upcoming European Cement Decarbonisation Summit 2024 on October 31st. Representing SINTEF, Hanne Kvamsdal will present the project’s groundbreaking findings and share valuable lessons learned throughout its development. This prestigious event, organised by…
AURORA Project Highlights Participation in GreenDealCO2 Final Workshop
On June 18, 2024, the AURORA project participated in the final workshop of the EU project GreenDealCO2, held at Haus der Technik e.V. in Essen, Germany, and online. This engaging networking event brought together stakeholders from various EU projects focused on sustainability and decarbonization.The workshop featured insightful presentations and discussions…
ESCAPE34-PSE24 European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering | Florence, June 2 to 6, 2024
Discover the groundbreaking advances in process systems engineering and CO2 capture technology from our project partners SINTEF and Cybernetica. Their collaborative paper on the optimal control of solvent-based CO2 capture plants will be presented at the ESCAPE34-PSE24 symposium, (European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering and International Symposium on Process…
Throwback on the “Transition to the Zero-Carbon target” conference organised by HERACLES (AURORA project partner)
On 21 March, HERACLES, a partner in the AURORA project, was pleased to host its conference on \"Transition to Zero Carbon\" (see agenda below) in the auditorium of the Greek Technical Chamber, Magnesia Dpt. The event coincided with a visit by SINTEF and Aker Carbon Capture (ACC) teams to the…
AURORA Project Featured on CEMBUREAU’s Map of Innovation Projects
We are thrilled to announce that the AURORA project, a pioneering initiative in carbon capture and utilization, has been added to CEMBUREAU\'s prestigious Map of Innovation Projects as of March 2024. This recognition underscores the significant strides AURORA is making in the field of industrial decarbonization.AURORA, funded under the European…
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Våre konsortiemøter
AURORA 3rd General Assembly online
The AURORA project partners recently had their third General Assembly online, to assess progress and outline plans for the next phases of the project. To kick off 2025 on a strong foundation, the AURORA consortium gathered online to review the progress of Work Packages and outline their plans for the next…
Boosting CCUS Innovation: AURORA Project Partners Convene for 3rd Project Meeting!
The AURORA project partners recently came together in Paris for their 3rd General Assembly meeting on September 3-4, 2024, to assess progress and outline plans for the next phases of the project. The meeting focused on advancing carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies using solvent-based systems, with the goal…
AURORA 2nd General Assembly & Stakeholder Forum in Cambridge (UK)
What better way to celebrate the New Year than by gathering for our second Project and General Meeting on January 9 and 10 in Cambridge, UK!Our consortium began the day with an overview of progress and results in advancing carbon capture technology. Discussions focused on the following points: Improved models…
AURORA second Project meeting & Stakeholder Forum in Fornebu
The partners in the AURORA Carbon Capture Project were delighted to get together just before the summer vacations to hold their bi-nnial Stakeholder Forum, followed by their second Project Meeting to discuss the project\'s progress and results, both internally and with external experts.After reviewing each work package and task, the…
AURORA celebrates its launch meeting in Brussels!
Today, the AURORA Project held its 1st day kickoff meeting. A great opportunity to present and discuss