AURORA latest review paper, developed in collaboration with researchers from SINTEF and NTNU, provides a comprehensive analysis of the CESAR1 solvent system. It collects and evaluates existing experimental data, highlights knowledge gaps, and outlines the necessary next steps in research to optimize the use of this innovative solvent for CO₂ capture.

In the race to mitigate climate change, carbon capture technology has emerged as a crucial solution, and amine-based chemical absorption is leading the way for post-combustion CO capture. Among these technologies, the CESAR1 solvent systema blend of 3 M 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP) and 1.5 M piperazine (PZ)has attracted significant attention for its superior performance over traditional solvents. CESAR1 promises better energy efficiency and lower degradation rates than the industry-standard ethanolamine (MEA). However, there are still critical knowledge gaps that must be addressed for CESAR1 to reach its full potential.

Why CESAR1 Stands Out in CO₂ Capture

CESAR1 has emerged as a leading candidate. Its low energy consumption is a key advantage when considering large-scale applications for power plants and industrial facilities. The systems lower degradation rates also imply reduction in operational costs.

A Collaborative Effort for Carbon Capture Innovation

This review paper is the result of collaboration between NTNU and SINTEF to provide the most comprehensive analysis of the CESAR1 solvent system to date. The research was made possible by the support of the AURORA Project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme.

The CESAR1 system represents a significant step forward in the development of more efficient CO capture solutions. With further research and pilot plant testing, this solvent could play a critical role in the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.

Thanks to all authors: Diego Morlando,  Hanna Katariina Knuutila, Ardi Hartono and Hallvard F Svendsen from NTNU, Vanja Buvik, Asmira Delić, Hanne Marie Kvamsdal and Eirik Silva from SINTEF.

Filling in the Knowledge Gaps

The review paper identifies several areas where experimental data for CESAR1 is lacking or incomplete. Key findings include: 

  • Physical Properties and Thermodynamic Data: Important physical properties and such as viscosity, density and thermodynamic data, i.e. speciation data, are not yet available for the CESAR1 blend in the open literature. These data are essential for developing reliable process models that accurately predict the system’s performance. 
  • Degradation Compounds: The review outlines a major challenge with the CESAR1 system: the nitrogen balance for both AMP and PZ is not yet closed. This means there are still unknown degradation products that need to be identified and quantified, which is essential for understanding the long-term performance and environmental impact of CESAR1. 
  • Emissions and Environmental Impact: One of the most pressing concerns is the potential for aerosol and gas-phase emissions, particularly due to AMP’s higher volatility compared to MEA. A better understanding of how these emissions form and behave in real-world applications is crucial. The review also highlights the need for the assessment of the environmental impact and toxicity of CESAR1 components. 

Future Directions for CESAR1 Research

To ensure CESAR1 fulfils its promise as the next-benchmark solvent for CO capture, the review proposes several areas for future research: 

  • Comprehensive Data Collection: Gathering the missing experimental data is a priority. This includes closing the nitrogen balance for AMP and PZ, identifying unknown degradation compounds, improving our understanding of CESAR1’s emissions profile and provide reliable physical properties, thermodynamic and kinetics data for the CESAR1 blend. 
  • Process Model Development: With better data, more accurate process models can be developed, allowing scientists to predict CESAR1’s performance in large-scale applications more reliably. This is crucial for the optimization of energy consumption and overall system efficiency. 
  • Environmental Impact Studies: More research is needed to assess the long-term environmental impact of CESAR1, including its potential toxicity and effects on air and water quality. 

Many of these research areas are covered in the ongoing work in the AURORA project. 

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