Επιτάχυνση των λύσεων δέσμευσης άνθρακα
Εξερευνήστε τα πρωτοποριακά αποτελέσματα του έργου AURORA και τον αντίκτυπο της τεχνολογίας δέσμευσης άνθρακα με διαλύτη CESAR1.
Επιτευχθέντα ορόσημα
Διαπιστώσεις και ευρήματα
Διαβάστε τα λεπτομερή άρθρα μας που αναλύουν την πρόοδο και τα ορόσημα που επιτεύχθηκαν από το έργο AURORA. Αυτά τα άρθρα αναδεικνύουν τις συνεργατικές προσπάθειες και τις καινοτόμες λύσεις που αναπτύχθηκαν από την κοινοπραξία των 12 εταίρων μας.
SINTEF Launches 6-Month CESAR1 Pilot Campaign at Tiller CO2LAB
We are excited to announce that the six-month CESAR1 pilot campaign has officially begun at SINTEF’s Tiller CO2LAB. Starting in the last week of August, this comprehensive campaign will play a crucial role in advancing carbon capture technology. The goal is to conduct 115 tests on the CESAR1 solvent and…
On-site flue gas characterization carried out by SINTEF at Motor Oil Refinery in Agioi Theodoroi, Corinthos, Greece
Motor Oil had the pleasure of welcoming its AURORA partners at the Refinery in Agioi Theodoroi, Corinthos, Greece, last week, 11th to 15th March 2024. The whole week was devoted to on-site measurements carried out by SINTEF experts, using specialised instruments for gas and particle analysis on the hydrogen production…
The methodology for full chain CCUS assessment and cluster development is established
The first deliverable of Work Package 5 on the Full chain CCUS assessment has been issued. This report results from continuous discussions and workshop between all partners during the first year. It is co-authored by TotalEnergies, SINTEF, UNIROMA1 and Cambridge University.Links between the different blocks of a full CCUS chainThis…
The methodology for assessment of the AURORA technology and qualification of the CESAR1 solvent is established
The final aim of the AURORA project is to qualify the CESAR1 solvent for commercial deployment and to establish this solvent and its associated absorption process as the new benchmark for CO2 capture. This requires that the performance of the solvent is known and that any risks in the deployment of…
Getting ready: Motor Oil and HERACLES set date for onsite flue gas characterization with SINTEF experts!
The Motor Oil refinery and the HERACLES cement plant in Greece are both preparing on site and have set dates in March 2024 for flue gas characterization with SINTEF experts. An in-depth analysis will be carried out respectively on the hydrogen production unit and the kiln stack.HERACLES cement plant, GreeceMotorOil…
Installation and operation of the MTU (Mobile test Unit) pilot unit at the Volos plant
During the period January-September 2023, the HERACLES team carried out the authorisation procedures for the installation and operation of the MTU pilot unit at the Volos plant. The HERACLES team worked with its partners on on-site flue gas characterisation and on the methodology for evaluating and technologically qualifying large-scale capture…
Τα παραδοτέα μας
Πρόσβαση σε ολοκληρωμένες εκθέσεις που τεκμηριώνουν τις εξελίξεις και τα αποτελέσματα του έργου AURORA. Οι εκθέσεις αυτές αποτελούν βασικές πηγές για την κατανόηση του αντίκτυπου και των δυνατοτήτων της τεχνολογίας δέσμευσης διοξειδίου του άνθρακα με διαλύτη CESAR1.

D4.1 – Methodology for large scale assessment and benchmarking
This document proposes a methodology for technology qualification and benchmarking to fairly compare CESAR1 solvent-based technology with MEA, mitigating risks in large-scale carbon capture projects.
D5.1 – Methodology for full chain CCUS assessment and cluster development
Deliverable D5.1 outlines the methodology to assess CCUS chains for four AURORA project emitters, focusing on scenario evaluation, techno-economic analysis, life cycle assessment, and social, political, and regulatory readiness.
D7.2 – Data Management Plan
This deliverable outlines the initial Data Management Plan (DMP) for the AURORA project, ensuring project data is findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable, aligned with FAIR principles and EU guidelines.