Les om avanserte løsninger for karbonfangst

Innovativ forskning innen CCUS-teknologi

Oppdag vår omfattende samling av forskningsartikler som går i dybden på karbonfangstteknologi.

Akademiske og vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Innsikt og funn fra AURORA

Les våre detaljerte artikler om fremdriften og milepælene i AURORA-prosjektet. Disse artiklene fremhever samarbeidet og de innovative løsningene som er utviklet av vårt konsortium bestående av 12 partnere.

Akademiske og vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Besøk biblioteket vårt om CCUS-teknologier og -prosesser

Academic publications

Scientific publications by AURORA partners prior to project commencement that are relevant for the project

Evaluation of process upgrades and novel solvents for the post combustion CO2 capture process in pilot-scale

Process modifications for solvent-based post-combustion CO2 capture

First Process Results and Operational Experience with CESAR1 Solvent at TCM with High Capture Rates (ALIGN-CCUS Project)

Towards full-scale carbon capture – Results from the Mobile Test Unit in various industry sectors

ALIGN-CCUS: the results of an ACT project on the full CCUS chain to accelerate implementation of decarbonisation in industrial areas

Process integration of advanced amine-based solvents in power and industrial plants: A new benchmark for post-combustion carbon capture?

Demonstration of a novel instrument for online monitoring of absorber emissions to air

Optimizing integrated reference cases in the OCTAVIUS project

Demonstration of two-level non-linear model predictive control of CO2 capture plants

Demonstration of non-linear model predictive control of post-combustion CO2 capture processes

Dynamic real-time optimisation of a CO2 capture facility

Demonstration of non-linear model predictive control for optimal flexible operation of a CO2 capture plant

Evaluating the possibility of high- pressure desorption of CO2 via volatile co-solvent injection

Strategic planning of regions and territories in Europe for low carbon energy and industry through CCUS: the STRATEGY CCUS project

Atmospheric emissions of amino-methyl-propanol, piperazine and their degradation products during the 2019-20 ALIGN-CCUS campaign at the Technology Centre Mongstad

Best practices for the measurement of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol, piperazine and their degradation products in amine plant emissions.

Modelling and simulation of the Esbjerg pilot plant using the Cesar 1 solvent

Results from Cesar1 Testing at the CO2 Technology Centre Mongstad. Verification of Residual Fluid Catalytic Cracker (Rfcc) Baseline Results

Aerosol Growth in a Post Combustion CO2 Capture Absorber Using the 2-Amino-2-Methyl-1-Propanol/Piperazine (CESAR 1) Solvent

Development of Process Model of CESAR1 Solvent System and Validation with Large Pilot Data

CESAR1 Solvent Degradation and Thermal Reclaiming Results from TCM Testing

New solubility and heat of absorption data for CO2 in blends of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP) and Piperazine (PZ) and a new eNRTL model representation

This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON EUROPE research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101096521.

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