AURORA is preparing its third Stakeholder Forum (StF) to be held online on February, the 13th February 2025 (14-16 CET). Our StF serves to guide AURORA’s developments and advise on next steps to drive market adoption of our capture technology.

On the agenda:

  • Agenda is coming soon.

What would be your role?

As a member of the AURORA Stakeholder Forum, you will:

✔️ Engage in discussions on AURORA’s implementation and its impact on industry and policy.
✔️ Contribute to knowledge sharing, helping to disseminate and maximize the use of project results.
✔️ Attend open sessions of project meetings (held every six months) and public dissemination events.
Note: Members will not receive confidential information.

No member will receive any money from the project, but members will learn more about the AURORA project, be quickly informed of the results, and be able to take part in discussions on project-related topics.

Are you eligible?

The aim is to have at least 20 members and at least 1 member representing each of the key operating sectors identified: 1) Refining, gas processing and H2 production, 2) Cement, 3) Materials recycling, 4) WtE, 5) Steel, 6) Alumina, 7) Non-ferrous metals, 8) Sustainable biofuel production, 9) Cluster and other CO2-related associations, and 10) Capture technology developers and EPCs.


Want to join? Follow this procedure:

  1. Contact our project manager Hanne Kvamsdal ( to apply for StF membership.
  2. All project partners will give their approval within two weeks.
  3. If accepted by the consortium, the potential new StF member will be asked to sign a letter of commitment (LoC).
  4. On receipt of the signed LoC, the contact person(s) will have access to a dedicated sharing point and will be invited to the next project meeting.

Participation as “trial-member” are opened for this session. If you are interested please contact Hanne Kvamsdal (