Accelerating Carbon Capture Solutions


Exploring the groundbreaking results of the AURORA project and the impact of CESAR1 solvent-based carbon capture technology.

Milestones Achieved

Insights and Findings

Read our detailed articles that discuss the progress and milestones achieved by the AURORA project. These articles highlight the collaborative efforts and innovative solutions developed by our consortium of 12 partners.

Our deliverables

Access comprehensive reports that document the advancements and outcomes of the AURORA project. These reports are essential resources for understanding the impact and potential of CESAR1 solvent-based carbon capture technology.

WP4 - D4.1

D4.1 – Methodology for large scale assessment and benchmarking

This document proposes a methodology for technology qualification and benchmarking to fairly compare CESAR1 solvent-based technology with MEA, mitigating risks in large-scale carbon capture projects.

WP5 - D5.1

D5.1 – Methodology for full chain CCUS assessment and cluster development

Deliverable D5.1 outlines the methodology to assess CCUS chains for four AURORA project emitters, focusing on scenario evaluation, techno-economic analysis, life cycle assessment, and social, political, and regulatory readiness.

WP7 - D7.2

D7.2 – Data Management Plan

This deliverable outlines the initial Data Management Plan (DMP) for the AURORA project, ensuring project data is findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable, aligned with FAIR principles and EU guidelines.